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People, Places, & Things

A Framework for a Pain-Free ERP Implementation

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People, Places, and Things: A Framework for a Pain-Free ERP Implementation

By Evan Schwartz


Are you embarking on the implementation of an enterprise-wide ERP system? Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of technology, process management, and organizational change can be monumental. Evan Schwartz, an authority in technology architecture and solution design, presents "People, Places, and Things: A Framework for a Pain-Free ERP Implementation" — a comprehensive manual tailored for senior leadership and C-level executives looking for a no-nonsense approach to ERP rollout.

Key Features

  1. Phased Approach: The book meticulously covers all critical phases of an ERP implementation— 'Before you Buy,' 'Presales,' 'Project Kick-Off,' 'Discovery and Design,' 'The Build Phase,' 'UAT,' 'CRP,' 'The Pilot,' 'Lessons Learned,' 'Rollout,' and 'Maintenance and Upgrades.'

  2. Communication and Vendor Management: Learn the art of effective dialogue between your organization and the ERP vendor. Acquire the key strategies to make informed decisions and ensure successful outcomes.

  3. Organizational Change Management (OCM): Comprehensive insights into best practices for ensuring a smooth transition, dealing with resistance, and securing stakeholder buy-in.

  4. Customization Dilemmas: When to say yes and when to say no to customization — tips and red flags.

  5. AI and ERPs: A compelling sub-thread on leveraging Generative AI for document-heavy processes, enhancing efficiency and operational excellence.

  6. Real-world Narratives: Contrast the journey with Jon Leonard, CEO of Florachem. Explore actual experiences, what worked, what didn’t, and where Evan’s advice could have been a game-changer.


Why Read This Book?

  • Strategic: Explicitly aimed at decision-makers, the book offers a compelling yet concise roadmap, reducing the risk and ambiguity associated with large-scale ERP implementations.

  • Technologically Robust: The guide discusses the traditional aspects of ERP systems and introduces AI as a potent tool for enhancing business processes.

  • Balanced View: The candid account from Jon Leonard provides a grounded perspective, enabling leaders to evaluate the real-world applicability of the advice presented.


Anticipated Publication: Pre-Order May 2024 / Available in Stores October 2024

Don't leave your ERP implementation to chance. Make your journey seamless and efficient with Evan Schwartz’s "People, Places, and Things: A Framework for a Pain-Free ERP Implementation."


For more information, visit or follow Evan on LinkedIn.

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